Monday, December 26, 2011

The return that certainly didn't take long at all!

Now I know what you are thinking, "Max! What the hell, man? You've gone practically three months without updating (the Powerpuff Girls storyboards aside)!" Which is why I will give you an answer in the form of a multiple choice quiz! Because everybody loves quizzes as much as I do!

I was gone for three months without blogging because...

A. ...I was in college and had work to do that was of higher importance and priority than blogging, but my free time was spent on video games, friends, and significant other.

B. ...I was in college and had work to do that was of higher importance and priority than blogging, but my free time was spent on being a sadistic pig who lives off of disappointment and lost expectations.

C. ...I was in a knife fight with a giant one-eyed pirate octopus.

If you answered "A", then congratulations! You are completely wrong! The answer is obviously "C". I don't know what's up with those giant one-eyed pirate octopuses.  Just one day you are enjoying a nice walk on the beach and BOOM - they just come right the flip out of nowhere and drag you down the liquid abyss with no regards to your personal time and schedule. How rude! I'll save the whole story for another time, three months should be good. I didn't make this blog to tell people how I obviously won in a knife fight against a giant pirate octopus (one-eyed mind you, since a second eye just gets in the way of the other.) This blog is about me jabbering incessantly about crap and how I post up artwork!

Now where was I?

Oh yeah!


Anyway, I have also been busy with school work at SCAD and thus I have completed a plethora of artwork. I will post up new storyboards, illustrations, character designs, sketches, projects, and finally some comic book pages! I will also have to put a hold on my planned comic book as I want to get a bit more practice in drawing first before fully executing it. I will also be leaving for my next quarter of school next week. I'll try to keep an updating schedule going, but that is no guarantee.

To anybody who actually comes here and looks at my art and reads these ramblings, thank you for your time.

Too long; didn't read:
I jabber things, I draw stuff - you all watch me with puzzled expressions. New stuff, hooray!

"I think I've met maybe 1/5 of my match here..."

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